Partnering to help infertile and at genetic risk couples

We are proud to partner with many of the most respected IVF clinics in the world. Our success with some of the most complicated diagnoses makes us well suited to collaborating with you whether the case is straight forward or complex. Our thoroughness, level of patient care and ability to deliver test results in 24 hours are the reasons we should be part of your team on all your cases.
To become a referring IVF center, contact us by phone or via email so we can set up scheduling, reporting and access to our secure encrypted Internet database. A vast array of genetic diseases can be analyzed by PGD, but first we must develop, optimize and validate the specific probes that will be used. For each couple, the probes to be used during PGD must be tested on single lymphocytes from the parent’s blood before the cycle is begun. For many of the more common single gene diseases GENOMA can perform the necessary validation in about two weeks. For genetic diseases with variable mutations the development, optimization and validation procedures can take 4-6 weeks. Remember, there is no such thing as off-the-shelf PGD. A pre-PGD evaluation must be performed before the cycle begins for all patients.
Forms and checklists for drawing blood, blood submission, pre-case, and blastomere biopsy submission are available on the forms page as downloadable PDFs.
To initiate service or get more information, please contact Dr. Francesco FIORENTINO, PGD Laboratory Director, calling our Contact center: +3906164161500 (12 linee PBX) or e-mail at:
Prior to sending samples:
1. Contact the PGD Lab at GENOMA to begin the process
2. Sign the PGD lab contract, which sets forth the details of the relationship between your clinic and the PGD lab at GENOMA
3. Send practice samples to our lab prior to beginning actual clinical work
4. Begin sending clinical samples for your patients to GENOMA
Request for becoming a referring IVF Center
Only for Fertility Centers.
After providing this information we will contact you to set up an account.
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