Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has been introduced as an alternative to prenatal diagnosis, to increase the options available for couples who have a known genetically transmittable disease, providing reassurance and a reduced anxiety associated with reproduction. PGD can be considered as a very early form of prenatal diagnosis. Its intended goal is to diagnose a specific genetic disease on oocytes or embryos before a clinical pregnancy has been established, by selecting and transferring to the uterus only embryos resulted unaffected after mutation analysis. Consequently, PGD may spare the couple decisions regarding possible pregnancy termination, ensuring a pregnancy free of the disease under consideration... [More info]

List of genetic diseases for which a PGD protocol is available

How we work (Transport PGD)

GENOMA accepts PGD cases from any IVF clinic around the world. Following biopsy on day 3 of embryo growth, one or two cells are removed. Individual blastomeres are then placed inside a test tube for PCR testing nd shipped to our Center for PGD analysis.... [More info]

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GENOMA - Centro Diagnosi Preimpianto  Diagnosi Preimpianto: Guida al trattamento  La Diagnosi Genetica Preimpianto e le sue applicazioni  La Diagnosi Genetica Preimpianto di malattie genetiche
Il percorso del paziente per il trattamento di Diagnosi Preimpianto  Diagnosi Preimpianto per traslocazioni cromosomiche  Diagnosi Preimpianto mediante screening delle aneuploidie cromosomiche (PGS)  Diagnosi preimpianto di aneuploidie (PGS) mediante analisi dell'intero assetto cromosomico (array-CGH)