GENOMA uses the latest and technologically advanced instruments presently available and employs sophisticated and innovative testing methods.
Groundbreaking technologies and full automation applied to the entire analytical process contribute to raise the quality of genetic testing, guaranteeing maximum reliability of the results.
These characteristics have enabled GENOMA to become one of the most advanced and highly qualified laboratory in the field of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, a reference center for many international IVF centers.

In sumary, the following are our main instruments routinely used:
• Automatic DNA sequencer 16 capillary ABI PRISM 3100 (3 units)
• Automatic DNA sequencer 1 capillary ABI PRISM 310 (4 units)
• Quantitative Real-Time PCR ABI PRISM 7300 (1 units)
• PCR ABI PRISM 9700 (10 units)
• PCR ABI PRISM 2700 (3 units)
• PCR ABI PRISM 2400 (2 units)
• Microarray reader ScanArray GX - Perkin-Elmer (1 unit)
• Microarray Spotter Piezorray - Perkin-Elmer (1 unit)
• JANUS Varispan, automated workstation (2 units)