As a highly technical process, successful PGD requires extraordinary skills and expertise in working with embryos at the single cell level. As one of the largest PGD center in the world, GENOMA has over a decade of experience and is one of the few centers in the world that has the skill level required to offer high quality and reliable testing. Because GENOMA has the expertise to perform all necessary testing, samples are NEVER sent to other laboratories.
PGD laboratory staff has been involved in PGD since almost 10 years. GENOMA has performed over 500 PGD cycles for singe gene disorders; hundreds of patients have benefited from our experience and dedication. PGD protocols are available for over 100 different genetic conditions. We have been the first lab in the world in performing a PGD cycle for many of them.
Our team of scientist includes highly skilled specialists in the field of Reproductive Medicine that has produced several publications to advance the field of PGD. We have pioneered some of the current technologies being used in PGD labs today.
We continue to develop novel testing methodologies and actively participate in both the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction & Embryology) PGD Consortium and the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society (PGDIS).